Bookseller Catalogs
100 Years of Hungarian Music Autograph manuscripts by prominent Hungarian composers, autograph letters, portraits, photographs. Rare and early printed sheet music, scores, and collections of classical, operetta, and popular music.
30 Recent Acquisitions: Civil, Common, Customary, Natural and Roman Law
By Jeff Weber Rare Books239: NOTABLE & UNUSUAL BOOKS IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE: MIDWIFERY, NEUROLOGY, PEDIATRICS 28 books in the medical sciences: Anatomy, Anesthesia, Chest Diseases, Childbirth, Diphtheria, Domestic Medicine, Fevers, Gynecology, Histology, Medical Bibliography, Medical History, Midwifery, Neurology, Nursing, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Sexology, Tropical Medicine. AUTHORS: Arthur Frederick ABT; American Pharmaceutical Association; Giovanni Battista ASSANDRI; George BAKER; Eugene BOUCHUT; Pierre-Fidèle BRETONNEAU; Robert BURTON; William CADOGAN; Walter CHANNING; Nicholas CULPEPER; Calvin CUTTER; Thomas Herbert DAVEY; D. Zacharie DAVIOT; Paul EHRLICH; Havelock ELLIS; M. EMPIS; Herbert McLean EVANS; Fielding H. GARRISON; Conrad GESSNER; Rickman John GODLEE; Evert GORTER; Paul Louis Benolt GUERSANT; James French HARTIGAN; William HEBERDEN; Pieter Cornelis Tobias van der HOEVEN; Frederick HOLLICK; William Wotherspoon IRELAND; Robert A. JAMES; John Cordy JEAFFRESON; Charles Gilmore KERLEY; Josef KLINGLER; Adolf LAZARUS; William Paterson Hay LIGHTBODY; Jacques MONTAIN-LAMBIN; René Théophile Hyacinthe LAENNEC; Eugen LUDWIG; Sir Edward MELLANBY; Mrs. Teresia Constantia MUILMAN; Sir William OSLER; Claudius QUILLET; Rhivallon; Nicholas ROWE; Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts; Robert Hunter SEMPLE; Werner SPALTEHOLZ; Armand TROUSSEAU; Andreas VESALIUS
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Spring 2020 List
Spring 2020 List 16th-17th-Century Continental Books
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Catalog 320: 120 Worthwhile Books & Manuscripts 17th-20th century - literature, americana, travel, ethnic studies, &c.
How to request a print version: Download the pdf and print at your leisure.
E-list #18: New Arrivals 33 newly-cataloged items include signed books, autographs, a William Jennings Bryan poster, and a Cheyenne language Mennonite Mission title.
Catalogue 97: Books, Manuscripts, Broadsides and Pamphlets on Law and Related Fields, 15th to 20th C
By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.238: Rare Books in the Medical Sciences; Anesthesia, Chinese & Mexican Medicine, Dentistry & Dental
By Jeff Weber Rare Books238: Rare Books in the Medical Sciences; Anesthesia, Chinese & Mexican Medicine, Dentistry & Dental 43 medical books: SUBJECTS: Anesthesia, Chinese Medicine, Cocaine (Cola-Cola); Dentistry & Dental Instruments, George Dock Offprints, Medical Bibliography, Medical Education, Medical Letters & Medical Poetry, Mexican medical history, Neurosurgery, Opium
AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: American Heart Association; Andres ARANDA CRUZALTA; Carter Burwell BERKELEY; [Charles] Carolus MINOR; Greene Vardiman BLACK; Astley COOPER; Arthur Joseph CRAMP; Samuel CRUMPE; Harvey CUSHING; Jean DARIER; Thomas DE QUINCEY; Paul DIEPGEN; George DOCK; Daniel DRAKE; John F. FAITHHORN; GALEN; Antonin GOSSET; Alexander GRANT; Simeon Hayden GUILFORD; Heinrich HAESER; William Ernest HENLEY; Pierre HUARD; Blair HUGHES-STANTON; Robert KOCH; Chauncey D. LEAKE; Samuel Albert LEVINE; Thomas LINACRE; Baron Joseph LISTER; Henry Munson LYMAN; Sir William MACEWEN; Charles MacLAURIN; Hugo MAGNUS; Edward Deering MANSFIELD; Otto MARBURG; Angelo or Ange-François MARIANI; John MARTIN; Laird WNEVIUS; William OSLER; Sir James PAGET; Joseph Frank PAYNE; Raymond PEARL; Sir William ROBERTS; Samuel ROLLESTON; Hans SALLANDER; John Cunningham SAUNDERS; William SHARP; Charlotte THOMAS; University of Iowa Museum of Art; Paul UUNSCHULD; [WALLER COLLECTION; Tord SKOOG; Samuel SWHITE; Ming WONG.
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